Friday, June 21, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 17

Research Paper ExampleUnderstanding break ones backry requires firsthand experiences, which expose an unmarried to slavery issues in real life thus assisting these individuals oppose slave owners and slavery systems with all their might.Slavery was mainly advocated for by capitalists, who saw slavery as a way to reduce expenses and amass easy wealth. Slavery has been highlighted in several literature sources showing how much slavery was appealing to business owners. Merchants, for shell, and farmers mainly emphasized on the importance of slavery in reduction of costs and completion of large tasks within a short span of time. Farmers on the other(a) hand, used slavery to plough their fields faster and even plough bigger lands. In the eyes of the slave traders, merchants, farmers and other business owners, slavery was non a bad thing, since it was an easy way to make money.Individuals who opposed slavery greatly must have experienced it first hand, and would have vowed to fight a gainst it, and not support anyone who supported it as well. For instance, this has been highlighted in Daniel Defoes story Robinson Crusoe where Crusoe adopts both perspectives, having been a merchant and farmer, and also suffering the grave effects of slavery opus in captivity. Crusoe who was initially anticipated to be a lawyer, by his father had decided to become a merchant, same as his father and in the fact he had decided to pursue large scale farming in Brazil, where he had owned a large plot of land. After viewing the overconfident outcomes of slaves in the lands of other farmers as well, he had decided to go to Africa, to seek slaves.Crusoes quest for slavery shows the positive attributes of slavery in the perspective of the slave owner, thus giving an unrighteous justification for its existence. Similar to Crusoe, slavery even in the contemporary context has been emphasized by even large companies, for instance the likes of Wal-Mart and apple, which seek cheap labor in t he low cost nations such

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